Introduction to the case
One of the greatest fears parents can have is losing their child for any reason, including losing custody of that child. Sometimes, parents lose their children because of serious reasons, while sometimes for trivial reasons. As a child custody private detective, we have seen parents lose their children in custody battles because of so many reasons. Even if you are not in a custody battle, you should still watch this video because it will give you a guide on what not to do so that you do not lose your child. Before we get into the reasons why courts may not grant a parent custody of their child, it is important to understand that when it comes to child custody, the courts put the well-being of the child as a priority and everything else secondary. So when it looks like, through the actions or lack of action thereof, the wellbeing or safety of the child will be compromised, they will lose the custody of their child.
1. Abuse or Neglect
The first reason the courts will not neglect to deny a parent custody of a child is if there are any allegations or signs of abuse of the child. The abuse can be emotional, sexual, or physical. If it is also proven that the parent has been neglecting the child, they will lose custody of the child. The reason is that the wellbeing of the child is in jeopardy, and the court takes the wellbeing of the child extremely seriously. When parents do not provide the necessities of the child, like their shelter, food, and medical care when needed, it will be a considering factor when awarding custody.
2. Substance Abuse
The second reason why the courts will not award custody to a parent is because of substance abuse. If a parent is under the influence of drugs or alcohol to the point where it impacts their ability to care for their child, custody can be revoked. But the courts always require evidence to corroborate these claims, which could be police reports and failed drug tests.”
3. Domestic Violence
When it comes to domestic violence, even if it’s not directed at the child but the child is present, it can lead to losing custody. A child being exposed to domestic violence impacts that child’s emotional and physical well-being. This is violent and can cause them to act out in the future, so judges will act to protect them by denying such a violent parent custody of the child.”
4. Parental Alienation
Parental alienation happens when one parent actively works to damage the relationship between the child and the other parent. When parents are fighting for custody of a child, the fight can get ugly and dirty, making them resort to bad tactics to win custody even if it involves parental alienation. Knowing how parental alienation can affect the emotional health of the child, the courts will be likely to remove the custody of a child from the alienating parent.
5. Failure to Follow Court Orders
A parent who repeatedly disobeys court orders is likely to lose custody of their child. The court orders could be mandated therapy, custody arrangementsarrangements, and even visitationvisitation schedules. The reason is that parents are expected to act in good faith and ensure the well-being of their child by following the rules that have been set, and failure to do so will make the courts reconsiderreconsider their fitness to be a parent.
No good parent ever wants to lose the custody of their children for any reason, which is why you must do all that you can to be a good parent and prevent this from happening. Even when you are going through a custody case, you must remember that your child and their well-being are your priority, so do all that you legally can to have them. Parents at all times should ensure that their children’s well-being is a priority. The home should be a safe and stable place for the child. Even when parents conflict, it should not be in the presence of the child. The court orders must be followed to the letter so that it does not affect child custody. At OKC Private Investigations & Process Server in Oklahoma, we see the importance of getting the best private investigation services and legal services you can get. So, for more insights into our services, visit us at You can email us at