Rape Investigator Explores Motivations Behind Sex Crimes

with a Rape Private Investigator


rape is a heinous crime. It leaves a lot of pain, trauma, anger, and hurt in the life of the victim. Some of the victims find it difficult to move forward with their lives. It makes one wonder about the rapist’s motivations when committing sex crimes. A rape private investigator in Piedmont, Oklahoma shares that some of these motivations are.

Lack of empathy

The first motivation behind rapists committing their sex crimes is lack of empathy. When you lack empathy, you are selfish and you have no idea how your actions affect others. You are only concerned about yourself, your desires, and your needs. So, rapists motivation is lack of empathy which makes them lack the understanding of the trauma and emotional impact of their actions on their victims”


Narcissism is an inflated sense of self-importance. Feeling like you are important and the best gives you the wrong mindset that th can control and dominate others. You do not care if this act of controlling and dominating others is through sexual violence. The entitlement mindset takes precedence and beclouds your mind. So, most rapists commit their sex crimes because they are narcissists and feel that they have power over another person”

Systemic issues

Another motivation of rapists to commit their sex crimes is because of systemic issues that they deal with. Some of these rapists have resentment towards women. This drives them to become hostile and angry toward women which makes them commit sex crimes against their victim. Raping a woman is a way for them to release their anger and resentment and also a way to show that they are powerful and dominant over women. Addressing this issue will to a large extent solve sex crimes.

Toxic masculinity

Some rapist’s motivations for committing sex crime is toxic masculinity. Some men commit sex crimes to prove their sexual prowess and that they are man enough to take from a woman even when the woman has not consented. Sometimes, a man may have pursued a girl and because the girl turned them down they resort to raping the girl because they cannot deal with the disappointment that they were not accepted. In their circle of friends, some men are laughed at for not having sexual experience and they may rape a woman to prove a point. All this toxic masculinity has driven some men into committing sex crimes that they ordinarily would not have committed”

The way forward

Now that you know the motivations of rapists, you need to know the way forward. These sex crimes can be prevented if people are aware of what healthy relationships and sexual consent look like. Men should be taught how to be respectful towards men and even their fellow men because there is no beauty in toxic masculinity. People who have fallen victim to sex crimes and sexual violence should be supported and helped so that other people will be bold enough to come forward. People are often at schools or their workplaces. These environments should be safe for people. Systemic issues like misogyny should be addressed so that men will learn to respect women and not cause harm to them. Most importantly, rapists should be held accountable for their actions so that people will think twice about committing sex crimes.


With the right understanding of rapists motivations, it is easier to prevent rapists from committing their sex crimes that lead to trauma on the victim. Everyone must try to prevent rapists from committing their sex crimes and walking away free so that society will be safe for all. At Keefe Private Investigations, we know that it is important for rapists to pay for their crimes so that their victims can get justice and move forward with their lives. You need the best rape private investigator in Norman, Oklahoma to investigate your rape case and bring you justice. For more insights or our services, visit us at www.privateinvestigatorokc.com or Makayla@ojpslegal.com for you or your loved ones who need help. 

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