Bullied Transgender Teen Dies Following Alleged Student Attack in OK

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In our educational system today, so much bullying goes on more than we care to admit. Some of these bullying incidents get reported, while others do not get reported. This makes room for most of these bullies not to be accountable for their actions, hence making them go Scott-free.

Nex Benedict is one of those persons who have experienced the downside of being a victim of bullying. It is also alleged that the bullying led to their demise. For context, it is best to define what bullying means. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, bullying is defined as “Abuse and mistreatment of someone vulnerable by someone stronger, more powerful, etc.”

Let’s get into the tragic and untimely death of Nex Benedict.

An Oklahoma school’s transgender kid, Nex Benedict, passed away in February following the bullying they experienced by their classmates on 7th February in Owasso High School, which is their school’s restroom. Nex Benedict went home with a hurting head and went to sleep after receiving treatment and being released from the hospital, according to their mother. After passing out in their living room the following morning, Nex Benedict was taken to the hospital the following day and was later declared dead.

Sue Benedict, who was Nex Benedict’s grandmother but recently adopted them, claimed that Nex Benedict’s bullying has gone on since the beginning of the year. Even when Nex was bullied in the restroom and could barely walk, the school authorities did not call the ambulance or police to help Nex and also rectify the situation. Nex had scrapes on the back of their skull and was covered in bruises all over their face and eyes as at the time they were taken to the hospital.

The bullying can be attributed to Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt (R) passing a bill mandating that pupils use the restroom designated for the sex on their birth certificates. Governor Kevin Stitt is not alone; Senator Jessica Garvin and House of Representatives member Kevin West are also guilty of contributing heavily to laws that are anti-LGBTQIA+ and also making members of the LGBTQIA+ vulnerable to attacks from people who know they can get away with their actions.

The alleged murder of Nex Benedict cannot only be attributed to the wrong laws that were passed. The Independent claims that Libs of TikTok, a far-right X (formerly Twitter) account that is popular for sharing anti-transgender propaganda, featured one of Nex Benedict’s teachers on the platform. Threats against public spaces nationwide, including libraries, schools, and other organizations, have resulted from posts made on the account. According to local media, the teacher quit on the same day that the Libs of TikTok account tweeted about them after already receiving negative feedback for their TikTok videos, which were anti-transgender. It is no wonder that in a High school where the teacher is anti-transgender, such reports for bullying on such grounds will be swept under the rug.

Currently, the Owasso Police Detectives await autopsy reports and toxicology results to carry out a thorough investigation. As of this time, no charges have been brought against anyone because the state medical examiner’s office has not proven or determined Nex Benedict’s cause of death.

The Impact of Bullying on Transgender Teens

Teens who identify as transgender are more susceptible to bullying. Bullying can have a very negative effect on transgender kids’ mental health and well-being, increasing their risk of anxiety, despair, low self-esteem, and suicidal thoughts. Peer bullying, which can take many forms, including verbal, physical, and emotional assault, can make transgender teenagers feel alone and marginalized.

Bullying can also have an impact on transgender kids’ attendance, academic standing, and general sense of security at school, which Nex Benedict experiences. It may produce an unfriendly atmosphere that hinders their capacity to grow and learn. Bullying can, in severe situations, cause trauma that lasts a lifetime and can cause self-harm and sometimes result in death.

To provide transgender teenagers with a welcoming and accepting environment, educators, parents, and peers have an essential role to play. They can lessen bullying and enhance the well-being of transgender youth by encouraging acceptance, comprehension, and respect for gender variation. Policies addressing bullying and discrimination based on gender identity ought to be implemented in schools, and services for kids in need of assistance ought to be made available. So, the anti-transgender laws that Governor Kevin Stitt and policymakers like Jessica Garvin and Kevin West implemented are wrong. In addition to working to create a safe and welcoming atmosphere for all kids, educators must pay attention to and validate the experiences of transgender teenagers.

Challenges Faced by the Transgender Community

The transgender population encounters several obstacles, such as prejudice and stigma from society, violence, lack of access to healthcare, lack of legal rights, and discrimination in the workplace. Discrimination can happen in a lot of different contexts, including public facilities, housing, and education. It may be difficult for transgender people to get the right medical care, such as hormone therapy and gender-affirming surgery, which people like Governor Stitt have affirmed. Transgender people are also more likely to be victims of violence, such as hate crimes and harassment. An increased prevalence of mental health conditions, including sadness and anxiety, is caused by the fact that many also battle with acceptance from friends, family, and society. In general, the transgender population still faces ongoing obstacles to equality, recognition, and fundamental human rights.

Promoting Transgender Rights and Awareness

To build a more just and inclusive society, it is imperative to promote transgender rights and raise awareness of them. It is critical to accept and acknowledge the gender identification of transgender people, to give them equal rights and opportunities, and to look out for their safety and welfare. A significant factor in raising awareness and acceptance of transgender issues is education. To promote and advance transgender rights, advocacy, support, and allyship are crucial. We can all contribute to the creation of a more compassionate and just world by banding together to raise awareness and encourage inclusivity.


The death of Nex Benedict is nothing short of painful. We can only imagine what their family is going through. A thorough investigation must be conducted, including ensuring that her bullies are brought to justice. We also advocate for law reforms to be made. If you need the best private investigation services, reach out to Keefe Private Investigations at Makayla@ojpslegal.com or visit www.privateinvestigatorokc.com for inquiries.


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